There a list of things that, if they happened, I might have to start believing in god. It's a short list, I assure you. Getting an A in quantum was on there, but that didn't happen so I thought I was safe. But my travels were so smooth and perfectly timed and easy that I am beginning to question if I am being tested by a divine being who loves me and kills everyone who doesn't love him...But seriously, as far as traveling goes, it was great. Got window seats!!! The food wasn't horrible. My neighbor didn't snore (I caught myself a few times though) or droll (I don't think I did) or otherwise try to 'be friendly' and TALK to me (Heaven forbid). Got to Schiphol, got a train ticket, caught the train, didn't get lost (amazing!), and the taxi was waiting for me in Hoogeveen (exactly as was planned). Made it to ASTRON/JIVE (where I'll be working) and settled into the guesthouse next door. I then promptly feel asleep.
Today I got out my maps and Dutch phrase book and rode my bike into town. I am living in BFH (butt fucking Holland). It's RURAL. I rode by more fields and farmland and sheep and cows and amazingly cute little brick homes than I could count. I was concentrated on not getting lost so I didn't take any pictures, but I will, promise. Dwingeloo itself is amazing. It's ...quaint. But that's not really the word I want. It's different. It's european. It's ...faily tale? Whatever it is, it's awesome. All the streets were cobblestone and were hardly painted for traffic at all. The shops are all in beautiful brick buildings with little a-frame posters outside with the menu or specials printed in neat Dutch. The people are very nice and smile a lot.
Tomorrow's supposed to be rainy so I don't know what I'll end up doing. Reading most likely. And sleeping. I can still call it jet lag, right? I'd like to go back into town again, though I'm too poor to actually buy anything and riding to town to just go to town seems dum. The rain may just decide for me.
Anywho, I'm getting hungry, so I'm going to go rummage through the stocked pantry and try to find food that I either a.) recognize or b.) can figure out 1.) what it is or 2.) how to cook it.
Oh, and here are some initial photos :)
ReplyDeleteTahl! You have a blog! This is exciting. I am definitely "green with envy," har har, and I'll be sure to only private message you about grammar mistakes ;) Can't wait to see more pics of this quaint/fairy tale/what have you place.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of getting a second blog, too, like you suggested, but I want one that lets me choose a different user pic on each entry! I don't know if other ones do that besides LJ... does blogspot?
ummmm, idk. that's blog talk for i don't have a clue.