No but really.
Are you bowing down?
I (with Rachael as a most valuable sous chef) managed to pull off chocolate cheesecake when cooking in a kitchen obviously stocked by a man (as much as I love Fritz, our caregiver). We didn't have enough cream cheese for one, so I subbed some milk. Then we didn't have enough heavy cream (because I'm dumbh and can't read) so I subbed some milk there too. Ended up using an egg less and putting in an extra 40g of chocolate :) (original recipe here) The taste is definitely more brownie than cheesecake, but the texture was amazing. And for an extra topping of awesomeness I made homemade caramel sauce (and burned myself in the process) to top it off. Honestly, it was almost the best part (especially with strawberries dipped in it).
It was Francillia's birthday and my last night here, so I figured we needed a sweet treat to commemorate the summer and all. And I'll probably never be able to replicate this awesomeness again- it was a wonderful fluke.
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